Millions of individuals throughout the globe suffer from type 2 diabetes, a chronic disease. It’s necessary to keep your blood sugar levels under control since uncontrolled Diabetes may cause blindness, renal failure, and heart problems. In the period before a diabetes diagnosis, your blood sugar levels may be high without being clinically significant. Prediabetes describes this condition.

You may learn more about your own risk factors for this ailment by taking a test like this one from a reputable source. The transition from prediabetes to full-blown diabetes is not inevitable. Some risk factors, like age and genetics, are unavoidable, but there are things you can do to lower your risks, such as changing your food and lifestyle. The development of this illness seems to be due mostly to genetic vulnerability and environmental effects. However, in recent years, sedentary behavior, obesity, and type 2 diabetes have all increased dramatically.

1-Proper maintaining of the diet plans:

If you’re trying to avoid diabetes via nutrition, you should give careful consideration to both the amount and quality of the carbohydrates you consume. Carbohydrates are metabolized into glucose molecules and taken into circulation. If your blood sugar levels rise, your pancreas responds by secreting insulin, a hormone that facilitates the uptake of glucose by your cells.

Prediabetes is characterized by excessive blood sugar due to insulin resistance in the body’s cells. The pancreas responds by increasing insulin production in an effort to lower blood sugar.

What is the significance of intake and consumed diet?

It is more effective for diabetes prevention to focus on reducing total carb consumption and selecting carbohydrates rich in fiber rather than only restricting highly processed carbs. Soda, candies, sweets, desserts, white bread, spaghetti, and sweetened morning cereals are all examples of foods and beverages that are rich in added sugars or refined carbohydrates.

Substitutes that are better for you include non-starchy veggies like broccoli and mushrooms, whole fruit, oats, whole grain bread and pasta. The greater fiber content of these alternatives aids in preventing sugar highs and lows. Fifty percent of your plate should be comprised of non-starchy vegetables, a quarter of lean protein, and a quarter of complex carbohydrates like fruit or whole grains in order to control your calorie intake and weight.

2-Do exercise daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

When you work out, your cells become more sensitive to insulin, meaning you need less of the hormone to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Adults with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes might benefit from engaging in a wide variety of physical activities to lower insulin resistance and blood sugar levels. Aerobic exercise, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and strength training are all examples of a good workout.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT), which consists of short bursts of exercise followed by brief recoveries, was shown to enhance blood sugar control and prolong endurance training sessions in a study of 29 adults with type 2 diabetes. Benefits may be achieved without engaging in HIIT, however. Short bursts of physical activity, even as little as 10 minutes, are beneficial. Aim for a few minutes of exercise each week if you’re just getting started.

3-Keep maintaining the proper weight and abstain from obesity:

Type 2 diabetes is often brought on by being overweight. Your risk of having type 2 diabetes is increased by seven times if you’re overweight. Twenty-to-forty times more likely to acquire diabetes than a healthy weight individual.

If your weight is beyond the healthy range, losing weight may assist. The risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes may be halved if you lose 7-10 percent of your present weight. There are several effective methods for losing weight safely. Create a well-rounded meal by including non-starchy veggies, lean meats, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

4-Include water in your life as the preferable beverage:

Cutting down on sugary drinks is easier if water is your go-to beverage. Adults who consume sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice with added sugar have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes (LADA).

Water consumption, on the other hand, may improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Weight-loss-program participants who switched from diet sodas to water had improvements in insulin sensitivity, fasting glucose levels, and insulin secretion over the course of 24 weeks, according to research.

5-Eat with moderation and have proper gap:

Keeping your portion proportions in check may also aid in the fight against diabetes. People at risk for diabetes have higher blood sugar and insulin levels after eating large meals. Instead, cutting down on portions may help you lose weight, which in turn may minimize your risk of diabetes.

Weight loss and decreased body fat were shown to be the results of following a meal plan that included portion-managed meal replacements and adequate quantities of other nutritious foods in a study of persons overweight or obese, some of whom also had type 2 diabetes. Try ordering an appetizer as your main dish or asking for a half order if the restaurant offers enormous amounts.

6-Be conscious of the appropriate plans instructed by the physician:

Patients with diabetes are often counseled to take their medicine as prescribed, keep a close eye on their blood glucose levels, increase their physical activity, and make any necessary dietary changes. But studies reveal that diabetic people have a mixed track record of following their physicians’ orders. Researchers have found that studies of persons with type 2 diabetes may shed light on the impact of portion control for those with prediabetes.

7-Take the medicine on time in a critical situation:

The fact is that teaching patients about self-care and assisting them in making substantial changes takes time. Although you may not have this knowledge, professionals in diabetes care and education do, and they will keep you updated with the current status.

Diabetic education is a joint effort between the educator and the person just diagnosed with the disease, and it often entails up to ten hours of counseling in the first year after the diagnosis. Having a patient work with diabetes care and education specialist and supporting that interaction will ensure better outcomes for the patient.

8-Change the behavior of idle sitting and make movement:

Avoiding sedentary activities like getting a very little exercise or sitting for long periods of time each day may go a long way toward lowering your risk of developing diabetes. Multiple observational studies have shown an association between inactivity and the development of type 2 diabetes.

Getting up from your desk and moving about for a few minutes every half an hour is a simple way to combat sedentary behavior. Also, it could be useful to use a fitness tracker or other gadget that encourages you to walk at a rate of at least steps each hour. For this reason, it’s essential to establish objectives that are both attainable and practical, such as standing up when on the phone or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

9-Smoking could be hazardous:

Heart disease, COPD, lung cancer, and intestine cancer have all been linked to smoking either directly or as a contributing factor. Smoking is associated with increased insulin resistance and decreased insulin production, albeit the exact processes by which this occurs are unclear. Extensive research indicates that avoiding relapse by not smoking may minimize the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Moreover, studies have shown a connection between smoking and the development of type 2 diabetes. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes is far greater among heavy, chronic smokers than among those who light up less often. After quitting smoking, the chance of developing diabetes lowers.

10-Control blood pressure:

Compared to those with normal blood pressure, persons with high blood pressure often have insulin resistance and are more likely to acquire diabetes. Some of the major reasons could have resulted as inflammation, oxidative stress, immune system activation, illness, hardening of the blood vessels, or obesity

Therefore, even while high blood pressure may not directly cause diabetes, it may raise a person’s chance of having the condition. So, try to keep the blood pressure under control by adopting a lifestyle accordingly.

11-Impact of tea and coffee on metabolism:

Although it’s ideal for drinking as much water as possible, research indicates that consuming coffee or tea sometimes may assist you in preventing developing diabetes. Daily coffee use has been shown to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, with the largest impact often being shown in those who consume the most.

Polyphenol antioxidants found in coffee and tea may help prevent diabetes. These drinks taste best when they are served simply or with a little milk. Syrups and additional sugars may raise blood sugar levels and lessen their protective benefits.

12-Diagnose the main symptoms and consult with a doctor:

Testing for blood sugar is a reasonably cheap way to make an early diagnosis. People with type 1 diabetes need insulin, while those with type 2 diabetes may also need to take oral medications, regulate their blood pressure, and take care of their feet (patient self-care by maintaining foot hygiene; wearing appropriate footwear; seeking professional care for ulcer management; and regular examination of feet by health professionals).

Blood lipid management (to lower cholesterol levels), screening for early indicators of diabetes-related kidney damage, and therapy for retinopathy, which results in blindness.

13-Check the nutrition routine with age factor:

Implementing some of the diabetes preventive advice from the list above might be beneficial if your child is at risk for the disease. Replace highly processed foods like chips and sweets with whole wheat pita pizzas, fresh fruit and nut butter, vegetables and bean dip, smoothies, and yogurt parfaits. Provide wholesome snacks. Give out snacks that are high in fiber and low in processed carbohydrates and added sugars.

Get more active as a group. Encourage outside play, outings to the park, dog walks, and sibling competitions. To ensure that everyone keeps active together and your child doesn’t feel left out, you may also organize family treks or walks. Some of the bits of advice mentioned above, like drinking coffee, and giving up smoking, are inappropriate for young children.

14-Organizations and working firms should provide some physical activities:

Up to the conclusion of high school, schools should promote at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day. Healthy food must be available in the cafeteria and vending machines at schools. The probability that a person would maintain their current level of physical activity and good eating patterns long into adulthood improves with the early adoption of healthy lifestyle practices. The implementation of curricula that teach students about healthy eating, physical exercise, and smoking cessation should be encouraged in schools.

15-Keep basic diabetes checking tools at home:

Preventive screening and evaluation of behavioral changes and self-management attempts should be part of follow-up care. Face-to-face meetings, phone calls, video conferences, and correspondence through fax or email can all be a part of follow-up treatment.

To promote follow-up treatment, you can employ questionnaires, reminder letters, and patient-carried medical records or care plans. The health system requires adjustments to restructure the delivery of services to avoid illnesses and problems.


It could be beneficial to perceive prediabetes as an incentive for making adjustments that can help lower your risk rather than seeing it as a stepping stone to diabetes. The best way to prevent diabetes is to eat the correct foods and practice other lifestyle habits that support normal levels of insulin and blood sugar.