By Marisa Hochberg :

Is your company taking the right measures to keep workers safe at work? If not, you could be missing out on one of the most direct ways to boost workplace safety. According to a recent study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 26% of US companies that had safety programs in place reported a decline in those efforts following implementation. This is likely because many companies fail to effectively implement their programs and fail to achieve the desired goals. However, if your company is well-prepared with an effective safety program that includes measures like risk assessment, audits, and training then you have a much higher chance of success. In this article we’ll explain everything you need to know about implementing an effective safety program—from how to choose the right ones for your organization to how you can make sure they stay up-to-date.

What is a safety program?

A safety program is an integrated approach to safety that includes education, risk assessment, and training. It outlines what safety risks your company is likely to face, how to reduce those risks, and how to prevent injuries if they do happen. This gives employees a better understanding of what they are likely to encounter on the job and how to stay safe. It’s important to remember that a safety program is more than just formal workplace inspections. It should be an ongoing effort that integrates the various types of protection, including training, equipment, and procedures. From a legal perspective, it’s important to remember that a safety program is not a substitute for proper safety equipment, and you should always have a plan in place in case of an equipment failure.

Why is it important to have a safety program?

A safety program is key to keeping your organization safe because it takes the guesswork out of workplace safety. It identifies the risks your employees are most likely to encounter, presents those risks in an understandable manner, and helps you determine what to do about them. Specifically, a safety program lets you know where your employees’ weaknesses are, whether there are any gaps in your training and procedures, and what you need to do to prevent injury.

Types of safety programs

Safety assessment – This type of program is used to identify and analyze the risks your employees are likely to face at work. It also helps you identify any gaps in your existing training and procedures. This is the foundation of most other types of programs. Safety analysis – A safety analysis is a more in-depth form of the safety assessment. It’s done to identify the specific concerns and risks related to your company and your employees. From here, you can determine the best way to address those concerns and reduce the risk of injury. Safety evaluation – This type of program is designed to validate that your safety analysis results have been properly addressed. It should be conducted every few years to make sure that your program is still effective. Risk assessment – A risk assessment is a more in-depth form of the safety analysis. It focuses on the specific risks related to your individual employees, their job duties, and the tools they use. From here, you can determine what type of training and safety equipment is required.

How to choose the right type of safety program for your company

A lot of companies are hesitant to start a formal safety program because they don’t know where to begin. There’s no need for hesitation. Start by analyzing your existing safety programs, such as audits and inspections, to see where you might be missing something. Then, take a look at the common problems companies face when implementing safety programs, such as ineffective risk assessment, and see how you can avoid them. Once you’ve outlined the areas where your company is likely to improve, it’s time to get serious about your safety efforts. You’ll have to make sure that your managers, supervisors, and employees are all on board with the program, which can be a challenge in itself. You can also use a few simple strategies to make this process smoother, including regularly reminding your team of the benefits of a well-rounded safety program, including the impact it can have on worker productivity and their overall morale.

What are the top 3 elements of an effective safety program?

As we mentioned above, a safety program should include risk assessment, audits, and training. However, they shouldn’t be separated out. They should be integrated into one cohesive program. – Risk assessment – This is where you look at the risks your employees are likely to face on the job, such as falling objects, unsafe working conditions, and equipment failure. You can use various tools, such as job hazard analyses, to determine those risks. Once you’ve identified them, it’s important to make sure you have a plan in place to reduce the risk of injury. – Audits – This type of program helps you identify where your safety programs might be lacking. It typically involves a detailed review of your safety programs, practices, and protocols. This can help you identify any weaknesses in your current safety efforts and create a plan to address them. – Training – This type of program is all about making sure your employees understand how to safely handle the tools and equipment they’ll be using on the job. Effective safety training lets you make sure your employees know how to safely use their tools and equipment, which can prevent injuries and save lives.

Wrapping up

A formal safety program is crucial for keeping your employees safe on the job. It integrates risk assessment, audits, and training for employees so they know what to do when they encounter different types of risk. You can ensure your safety program is an effective one by making sure it includes the three elements listed above. They can’t be separated out and they shouldn’t be separated out. They should be integrated into one cohesive program.