As a truly responsible adult, you will need to have good oral health. But what does that mean? Having good oral hygiene means that you are not only going to the dentist regularly, but you are practising good habits on a daily basis. If you are not one hundred per cent sure what those habits are, here are some routine oral care tips that you need to know.

Do Proper Brushing

The most effective thing that you need to do on a daily basis is to brush your teeth. But not a lot of people actually do it properly. Make sure that you are brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, and at least 30 seconds in every quadrant of your mouth. Always make sure that your toothbrush is making contact with every single tooth in your mouth from all sides. Always choose a toothpaste that has fluoride in it as well as one that is recommended by your dentist. Change your toothbrush at least once in three months. And most importantly, brush your teeth twice a day.

Keep On Flossing

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who never floss. And that is not good for your teeth at all. Make sure that you are flossing at least once a day and that you are getting all the teeth, not only the front but the back ones too. Make sure that you are following the natural curve of each tooth so you don’t damage your gums. This will prolong your teeth lifespan.

Make The Switch to a Soft-bristled Brush

As we have mentioned above, make sure that you are changing out your toothbrush every three months or so as well as making a switch to a brush that is soft-bristled. Even though having a hard brush leaves you with teeth that feel cleaner, it is very damaging to your gums over time, especially if you are being aggressive with bruising. Make sure that you are choosing a brush that is softer as it will prevent gum damage. To ensure that you are bruising effectively, brush at a 45-degree angle against the gum line in circular motions.

Use Piksters

If you are not a fan of flossing, consider switching to piksters. They are just as effective at cleaning the spots your toothbrush can’t reach, but they are easier to use than floss. They are also more suitable for people who struggle with gum irritation as you have more control over where it is going. Make sure that you are choosing the right size piksters as some will not fit in the gap between your teeth. Choosing a size too big and shoving it in the gap will damage your teeth, gums and it will cause pain.

Don’t Forget to Use Mouthwash

Having good oral hygiene routines means that you are using mouthwash on a daily basis. Just like flossing, not a lot of people actually do it. Make sure that you are taking a small amount of mouthwash and swooshing it in your mouth for at least 30 seconds. If you don’t know which one you should choose, make sure that you are consulting with your local dental lab to get a recommendation that will be best for your teeth requirements, as some prosthetics might react to certain chemicals in the mouthwash.

Don’t Brush Too Often

As there are people who don’t brush their teeth often enough, there are ones that brush too many times during the day. But just as any extreme is not good, make sure that you are not brushing your teeth more than twice a day. Simply there is no need for that and you will just be damaging your gums and taking off enamel from your teeth. If you are uncomfortable with the taste of your mouth, use a mouthwash or rinse your mouth with water after you have eaten.

Always Brush Your Tongue

Another thing that people don’t do is brush their tongues. It should be a part of everyone’s routine. There are so many things that you can do from brushing it with toothpaste and toothbrush to using a special tool that is made for tongue scraping. You can also do it with dental floss, it is all about preference. Finish it off by rinsing out your mouth to feel clean and fresh.

Eat Teeth-whitening Foods

What can keep your teeth nice, healthy and white aside from your oral routine is eating teeth-whitening foods. It is something that you should incorporate into your daily oral care routine. Try to incorporate raw foods such as apples, pear, carrots, cucumbers as well as lettuce into your daily diet. Those foods will help your teeth become whiter as they will remove some of the built-up plaque.

When you are creating an oral health routine for yourself, always make sure that you are incorporating regular visits with your dentist. If you combine regular visits as well as having good practices, your teeth will be strong and healthy.