Medical Supplies

Guide to COSHH for Hairdresser

The Health and Safety Executive reveals that thousands of workers in the UK become ill every year due to prolonged contact with hazardous substances. Constant exposure to harmful chemicals can lead to long-term health conditions such as asthma and dermatitis

Eco meditation is that the best for you and your health

The word Eco meditation means the brain concentrating on a specific subject and an enormous deal of attention. But generally, meditation means to live.Most of the meditation systems are Japanese, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, American, and so on. they’re the controllers of meditation. they struggle to regulate thought, quieten taught consistent with the motivated direction.We, citizenry, are violent. Most of the day, we do numerous rude things. For our better lives,…

Why isolation gowns are the new N95 masks and what it means for the covid-19 vaccine

In an age where everyone wants to mark themselves safe from Covid-19, the world witnessed panic hoarding and shortages of several essential items including N95 masks. With healthcare workers and essential service people bearing the brunt, these shortages wreaked havoc

Best Survival Lessons To Avoid COVID 19 Infection

The panic and fear that permeated the air during the early stages of the COVID 19 outbreak have dire consequences. After millions of shoppers went on a panic-buying rampage, stockpiling all the PPE kits available, inventories are yet to replenish.